Boulder Babies (1 - 4 years)
A morning group session for your little boulder baby!
The session will be based around the basics of climbing such as balance and footwork but with a steady approach for children. The session will also include games and baby yoga to keep your little one entertained while learning a new skill.
Aimed at toddling babies to four year olds.
Session Time: Wednesday 9:00am - 10:00am
Price: Pre-book for £6.50 for 1st child, 1/2 price for second child
Price: On the day £7.50 per child, 1/2 price for second child
(includes free cup or tea/instant coffee & Squash)


5 - 8 YEARS
Monkey Fun Holiday Club
Back by popular demand!!! These sessions are ideal for young children who love to climb. Whether they already climb at The Mini Works, or just around the house and in the playground, these holiday sessions are for them.
Dates: Monday, Wednesday & Friday between 26th July - 26th August @ 10:30-1:30pm
Price: £25 per session (book in advance)
Young Climbers Festival 2024
This year we see the return of the Young Climbers Festival. Our annual FUN competition for 5-14 years. This competition is open to anybody between the ages of 5-14 and all abilities are welcome. Each competitor will receive a certificate, medal and a T-shirt. Podium winners will get prizes donated by our sponsors!!! This event is not to be missed by anyone who loves to climb.
To see last years event report click here.
Dates: 29th August @ 1:45-4:15pm
Price: £30
Booking closes on 8th August

9 - 13 YEARS
Climbing Works Holiday Club
These sessions are open to all 9- 13 Year Olds. No previous experience required.
Dates: Monday, Wednesdays & Fridays between 26th July - 26th August@ 10:30-1:30pm
Price: £25 per session (book in advance)​
NICAS Boulder Scheme Level 1 (9+)
Our National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme (NICAS) level one bouldering courses are suitable for children 9+ (for more details click here).
Tuesday - Thursday on the following...
Course Dates:
Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th August @ 4:00-5:00pm
Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd August @ 4:00-5:00pm
Price: £43 (includes workbook, certificates and registration for NIBAS)
Outdoor days with Beyond The Edge (9 - 17 years)
We've teamed up with Beyond The Edge to offer an amazing outdoor adventure in the Peak District.
Young Climbers Festival 2024
9 - 14 years
This year we see the return of the Young Climbers Festival. Our annual FUN competition for 5-14 years. This competition is open to anybody between the ages of 5-14 and all abilities are welcome.
As part of our older 9-14 year olds event, we will be running a final on the competition wall that will give put them to the test in front of a crowd. Each competitor will receive a certificate, medal and a T-shirt. Podium winners will get prizes donated by our sponsors!!! This event is not to be missed by anyone who loves to climb.
To see last years event report click here.
9-14 Years: 29th August @ 8:15-1:15pm
Price: £30
Booking closes on 8th August

13 -17 YEARS
Friday Youth Club
We will be keeping our Friday night Youth Club running throughout the summer holidays. This is open to our regular Youth Club members, and also anybody else who wishes to give it a go. No experience required!
When: Every Friday.
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Price: £14
Outdoor days with Beyond The Edge (9 - 17 years)
We've teamed up with Beyond The Edge to offer an amazing outdoor adventure in the Peak District.

Outdoor adventure days run by Beyond the Edge.
We've teamed up with Beyond The Edge to offer an amazing outdoor adventure for people between the ages of 9- 17 year olds. The day will consist of some roped climbing / abseiling and then some non-climbing activities. The activities will be weather dependent, but could include zip lines, tyrolean traverse, wild games and shelter building.
Age: 9 - 17 years
Ratios: 1 instructor: 8 children maximum
Thursday 8th August
Thursday 22nd August
Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Where: Pickup & drop off at Surprise View Carpark. (Click here for the location)
Price: £85